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  We are currently closed for the winter season. The Richardson-Bates House Museum reopens on Thursday, April 3rd, 2025.

Oswego County Historical Society offers an array of research resources free of charge, including finding aids, indexes, and research guides. We can also help connect you to local historians for further research opportunities.

Please note that we are unable to conduct research outside of our records. Because we don’t charge for research, consider supporting our efforts to provide these resources by making a donation. Please fill out the below form provided to start a research request or make an appointment to visit in person. Provide a brief description of what information you are looking for.

    Resources & Tools

    Research Topics

    Use the buttons below to search curated topics related to our collections. Please note that, though our collections may cover a certain topic, there is no guarantee that we have digitized versions at-the-ready. If a topic below yields no results, please use the form to submit a research request. Thanks!

    Cities, Towns, and Hamlets
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